
“Gilbert reached across the aisle, picked up the end of Anne’s long red braid, held it out at arm’s length and said in a piercing whisper, ‘Carrots! Carrots!’

Then Anne looked at him with a vengeance!

She did more than look. She sprang to her feet, her bright fancies fallen into cureless ruin. She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose angry sparkle was swiftly quenched in equally angry tears.

‘You mean, hateful boy!’ she exclaimed passionately. ‘How dare you!’

And then – Thwack! Anne had brought her slate down on Gilbert’s head and cracked it – slate, not head – clear across.”

Anne Shirley is one of our heroes. When she cracked that slate over Gilbert’s head, she took circumstances into her own hands, and made it clear that she was not going to tolerate being teased or objectified by boys (even one who might turn out all right – more than all right – in the end). As book lovers, educators, and feminists, we have started this blog in search of slatebreaking moments in children’s and young adult literature. We’re writing about girls in kidlit and YA who challenge expectations, stand up for themselves and their communities and have a positive impact on the world around them, fictional and otherwise. Expect to see a wide variety of material on this site – a mix of book reviews, critical essays and things that generally interest us. Thanks for joining the conversation!

Brianna & Sarah

18 Responses to About

  1. Heather says:

    I just saw this mini series again last week. I hadn’t seen it in years…I missed it so. I must have watched it maybe 50 times. I made me take a walk down memory lane to when I met Anne in 8th grade in Mr. Fischer’s class. What a fantastic female character! What strength and confidence. I hope to share Anne’s exploits with my daughter some day.

  2. Sarah says:

    Thanks so much for posting Heather! Anne is definitely role-model worthy (obviously we think so, we created this blog in her honor!) I love the idea that this made you remember your first introduction to Anne – I remember mine too, when my mom gave me the books. That could be a great future post! What other characters are you reading with your daughter, or planning to as she gets older?

  3. Sam says:

    I love this, thanks for cluing me in! i will be back, for I am a sucker for good YA lit and movies.

  4. rhillawi says:

    Oh wow! I’m a recent follower but it just hit me when I saw Anne’s picture before your URL. Anne (with and ‘e’ of course!) is where you got the idea of being a ‘slatebreaker’! I LOVE IT! lol I can’t watch that movie series enough! Actually, I can’t watch too much of anything that has to do with Megan Follows… it’s not just her character in Anne (which was incredible!) it’s what she creates in each and every character she portrays. Can you tell that I’m a fan?! :@P lol

  5. katkasia says:

    Hi Sarah & Brianna,
    I have nominated you for a Verstaile Blogger Award! Please go to http://kasiajames.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/versatile-blogger-award/ for more details.

  6. Hi Brianna & Sarah! Can I just say I am SO SO excited to find your blog?! I’m a new book blogger and have been looking for a YA blog that uses a feminist framework and analyses in their reviews for a few months now. Seriously, I’m giddy over here, haha! Expect a few comments from me as I explore your reviews. Do you have a review archive/list by any chance?

    Keep up the great work!

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Rachelia! Can’t wait to hear your feedback. We do not currently have an archive list, but that is something we hope to make happen sooner rather than later. We’ll keep you updated.

  7. stella says:

    Miss slatebreakers? i really love your website! i searched all over it for hours, even though i only found it today. i’m facinated. i’ve always loved anne, and even before this site found me, the slate part was my favourite! I’m surprised you haven’t found Calpurnia tate. Or amelia rules! go. go find them!
    also, gonna check out veronica mars; because she emediatly reminded me of my favourite “slatebreaker” claudia donovan, from the syfy show; warehouse 13. i’ll be sure to check out veronica very soon.
    thank you for making this site, and making it so great!

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you Stella! We’re so glad that you found our site!
      We definitely loved Calpurnia Tate – and you’re right, she’d be a great addition to the site, but we haven’t gotten to a review yet. We will add her to the list. And we can’t wait to hear what you think of Veronica!

  8. Pingback: Smugglivus 2012 Guest Bloggers: Sarah and Brianna of Slatebreakers | The Book Smugglers

  9. Oswin says:

    hello there brianne and sarah. your going to think i’m weird and i’m not going to care. maybe.

    I am most definitely your youngest fan [fan? follower? ???] at the age of 13. Maybe not.
    anyway, I aspire to become an author, and am writing a short story about a 14 year old girl whose logical world full of people slots [basically stereotypes] are falling apart when her crazy aunt gives her an idea to find 3 wrongly slotted girls and befriend them using misjudged bumblebee notes. I know my charater inside out and backwards, and i’m trying to figure out…well…what to do to make her seem very very real, because now, she’s not a bad person, she simply stuck in a certain way of thinking, determined to be a loner, to live in the library of her mind
    What advice would you give an author about writing slatebreaking charaters?

    • Brianna says:

      This is a tough question to answer, because I’m not a writer of fiction – I much prefer reading what others have written! So, I don’t know that my advice is any good. However, I would suggest reading what other Slatebreaking authors have to say about writing. Check out the blogs of writers such as Libba Bray, A.S. King, and Maureen Johnson. Their blogs are not only entertaining, but they may also give some insight into the minds of people who incorporate Slatebreaking characters into their stories.

      Good luck with your writing, and thanks for reading our blog!

  10. bookgossips says:

    Congratulations on your blog! What a FANTASTIC idea…I love what you ladies represent. I also LOVE Anne of Green Gables, so I love your blog name and what it represents! Can’t wait to read more of your review. Xxx

  11. Hope says:

    May I recommend The Mother Daughter Book Club series by Heather Vogel Frederick? It sounds lame. Really lame. But I promise it isn’t! You meet 5 girls with very different personalities that have to go to book club together.

  12. Hope says:

    And also the Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. There are strong female leads 🙂

  13. mylibrarians says:

    Hi! we have officially nominated you for The Liebster Award! 🙂 http://mylibrarians.com/2014/01/24/the-liebster-award/

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